Friday, May 27, 2005

Crazy 3 Part Dream

I like to record my dreams as it helps me recollect them, and today I had a particularly interesting one. Warning though, my dreams are usually long and extremely detailed. ;)

Well it started off in this basement room of a masion. The room was nice with what appeared to be mahongony panelling on the lower half of all the walls, and there was a leather sofa on the right wall. The room itself was rectangular, in front of me on the long wall there was a large table setup, behind me on the left hand corner was the stairs up. There was a butler standing off to the left of me. He told me to look at what's on the table. It was a rather nice diamond collection. They were about 5 carats on average, each sitting atop its own envelope and a card that described their value, origion, unique qualities, cut, etc... I put the diamonds and cards back in the evelopes for some reason. Oh I was also with someone else, who was sitting on the sofa. Although throughout my dream this person was not really someone else, it seemed rather to be a reflection of certain aspects of my personality. Kind of like my evil twin, but not really evil, just lazy and impulsive.

Next thing I remember is being upstairs in the mansion walking down a white panalled hall. On the left there first a door then windows, and on the right first a door, then an opening to another room. On the far end of the hall was some kind of loung or dining room, it was well lit and had a chandelier from what I could see. I went into the opening to the other room, and there was the other guy (lets say I am DudeA, and he is DudeB). He was sitting on a sofa on the right wall, watching a TV in the far left left corner. There was a wooden drafting desk with a drawing of some kind on it beside the TV (closer to me) , but it was recessed as the room was L shaped (it was wider to my left and longer in front of me). In the left corner near me, beside the desk there was a spiral starcase to somewhere, and opposite me was another opening to somewhere else.

Next thing I remember, is I was now working at a factory. I was first drilling holes in engine blocks. This was done by hand, after the blocks had mostly been drilled by robots. We had a vertical metal frame attached to the back of the workdesk that held the block up, then we used guides to position the drill, and drilled the holes. There was about a 3x3 arrangement of desks, windows at the back, a doorway on the front left, and all kinds of mechanical pariphenila on the walls. The floor was concrete and it was a bit dirty, but not too much so. We wore safety goggles and those blue coveralls you often see car repairmen wearing.

Then was assigned to repairing high end cars that people had bought from us. Strangely, none of the repairs were serious, just a loose nut or bolt that was causing a rattelling noise. These bolts were in one case one that held on the covering of the center console, another case I had to re-drill the hole for a nut that held up a console thing between the driver and passenger near the back on the ceiling, and another case I had to tighen down the headrests. The cars were all quite beautiful otherwise, shining clean. I remember one had this metallic purple paint job with dark tinted windows. It just seemed to glow in the sunlight. Oh yeah, this was all done outdoors just in front of where I used to be working on the engine blocks. The door I mentioned lead out here. The cars pulled in from a white orangish cement road that ran from left side of the drilling room, curving to where I was in front of the room, and then off somewhere. Also, the boss of the factory himself came and reassigned me. He looked to be in his very early 30s, young and health, brown wavy kind of air not unlike Conan O'Brian only not so exagerrated. He had a clean white shirt, a tie, belt, dress shoes and black pants on. I think he also had a plastic nametag/ID thing clipped to his shirt pocket.

Then I recall going around after work to this bar sortof thing. There were people gambling, drinking, smoking and playing cards. Strangly, unlike I would in real life I wasn't coughing gagging on the cigarette smoke. Anyways, this bar was L shaped again, from the front enterance the bar was along your right, and it room turned to left where there were gambling tables setup. I went to the far end where I found two guys. These were your factory worker, swearing a blue streak, rough and tough kind of guys. As such, they were modelled after/looked like the characters Skull and Bulk from Power Rangers. So Bulk was sitting down at a table, and Skull leaning against the wall beside him drinking whiskey or something. Bulk was waiting to play this interesting card game, but there was no one to play with him, so I sat down and started playing.

He called the game "Poker Chess", basically there was a 3x3 grid, you get delt three cards to start. On your turn you place a card on one of the three spots available to you. Available means directly on your said or the spot before it is occupied by one of your cards. Then went your card collides with the other players (i.e. his card is in the spot you want to take), based on the value of the cards (spades, hearts, clubs, diamonds, and Ace, King, to Two are the order of value), you create a probably that one side or the other will win. Then you roll some dice to see who gets it. The first person to occupy a full row of cards, wins. Of course, I lost burtally because I didn't really know what I was doing, and Bulk exploiting my ignorence by changing the rules to suit his needs, the cheating bastard! Still, he did offer to give me a ride home.

We (me, him and Skull) got into his junky old car, and drove through a sort of junkyard thing to a big fenced gate. On the ride, I realised that Skull was actually DudeB from the beginning just older. Anyways, behind the gate was a bit dilapidated apartment building, which is where I lived. Unlike the bright sky and green grass at the factory, this place had a black stormy sky, and no grass to be seen. The ground had puddles of oil and water, the oil running off the junk (mostly crushed cars on ether side of the road). The junk created tall virtical walls rising on either side of the road, the road itself was about 20 feet wide. The gate had warning signs and other non-sense tacked onto it, and on the other side of it there was a big open space before the apartment bulding which was on an angle from my perspective. The length of it streching a bit into the distance. There were some kids running around and playing in this space. At the gate, on the right and left there were spaces cut into the junk walls. In the right space, there were a bunch of these religious kids that looked really cartoony, in a choir or something and they were praying for peace and properity. They seemed to exude a kind of power, this sortof energy, but I ignored it. I had the gate opened by waving to the guard on the top left above the choir kids, and went inside.

Next thing I was looking a this overview of the plant, a floor plan. There was a greyed off area, and I recalled how I had been working there after repairing the cars for a while. Here we tested engines, or generators or something, but we needed another generator/alternator to test them for whatever reason. Anyways, they were all failing the tests, so we had the whole lot just scrapped, the whole production system reworked on my advice to something much more efficent, and I was promoted. However, I realised it had all just been because my testing generator was actually broken, but I never told anyone that, since I got a promotion and didn't want to loose it. Then I worked my way up the business ladder, and now was second in command of the entire factory, dressed all business like, older (mid-20s) and whatnot.

Anyways, the boss just called me to his office. From the doorway, it was a very spacious and white room, with big clear windows on the opposite wall. On the left was another door somewhere, on the right was the boss, his long but not too wide desk, and a long blackboard. On the blackboard was a drawing of Jean Cretian in a chair, and the chair had this marbly texture to it. The boss said the Prime Minister commissioned us to design him a chair, and he felt that he had come up with the perfect design.

And now for something completely different, I was dead in hell. The part of hell I was in was this big room. There was a thone thing where Satan sat on the far wall, and in front of him the ceiling scaled up into this big skylight thing. The skylight was really obsured, and just looked like a fussy white glow. The walls were smooth and greyish, either metal or ceramic, likewise was the floor. On the left and right were entraces to the usual cave like, molten lava hell you would expect.

Anyways, Skull/DudeB was Satan and Bulk a henchmen dude. There was also some other guy, but I don't really remember him, he was another henchman that hung around. I was also good friends with Satan, which was why I was not in the molten lava parts of gell. Also, for whatever reason he was completly ignorent about God and Jesus and very innocent. Extremely odd to say the least, but then consider Satan in my dream was actually my alter ego DudeB, I suppose it makes sense. So I asked Satan where the skylight went to, and he said back to Earth. I said good, I want to go back to Earth and find Jesus so I can get out of hell and into heaven. He asked who this Jesus was, and I said he's a most excellent fellow who perfects everything and saves all. Satan, then said that he wants to meet this Jesus too and be saved, so we will all go and find him, but no one has broken through the skylight to get back to Earth before. Then Bulk annouced that actually he could break through it, by jumping up and head butting it. Satan, said that Bulk will take me up, and if I get through ok to go find Jesus, and he would come up later and follow me. He also asked what the animals look like in case they need to eat something. I told him that the only animals fly and they are airplanes, because for some reason I thought this would prevent Satan from eating people by accident. I dunno, it's a dream...

So Bulk picked me up, held me to him and started jumping up, smashing his head through the skylight. He got his head stuck, but pulled, dropped back down, jumped again and broke through. However, that was only the first of many layers of thick glass in this skylight, so he just made this huge super-jump and smashed through them all. I was now at the surface of earth in a large city. The skylight actually reached up in a sort of pryamid with the top cut off in the middle of the city. So I went off, and Bulk jumped back down. I got out of the city, and came up a ridge to see that the entire city was in a sort of crater. I passed by those cartoon choir kids, and they were positivly glowing with arcane power. They were praying for the city, which apparently was a soddom/gomorrah nexus of corruption, to be purified and banished into gate to hell that they opened. Also, to close the gate to hell, the very one I just came through. Soon the entire city and ground started to shake, you could see it getting sucked into the ground around the skylight, but not into the skylight itself. It was awesome, but I had to find Jesusl, be saved and get to heaven, so off I went.

Now I became Satan/DudeB (well I was sortof him all along remember). We're in the throne room of hell, and everything is shaking, dust is falling and I'm like damn we better go somethings up. So we all just fly out of there, just as the city is collapsing entirely. Buildings are falling down all around us (three of us, me Bulk and the other guy). We are standing on some kind of monorail, but it's crumbling, so we jump up onto this tall building. The building itself was three segmant that were coming apart, each segment having cement around it with green class coming out like a band wrapping around the segment. It was about to collapse, but I/Satan (I was sortof him, and sortof 3rd person, hard to describe), used my powers to steady it. From here we had a vanatage point, and we spotted a clear area. So we jumped/ran over to it, just as the entire city was sucked in, and gone.

This clearing was near an airport (remember they/I think planes are animals for food). It was a grassy feild, the sky was blue, behind us was a large hanger/terminal building of some kind with a monorail curving around it to parts unknown. Suddenly and airplane roared overhead, and I'm like we've got to get that, so we have some food. But suddendly a cannessa whips by in front of us, distracting our attention, and I'm like we need to get that! However, the cannessa somehow morphed into a model helicopter some kid was playing with. A bit behind the kid the grass got taller like wheat, and there was a lot of coniferous trees, it really looked like your average middle of no-where farmer's feild, but it was beside an airport. Anyways, we went up to the kid and asked to eat his model, and he just said we were silly and you can't eat planes. So I'm like ok, whatever, it's not like we actually need to eat being supernatural beings and all.

So now I'm back in my usual DudeA form, instead of DudeB/Skull/Satan form. I've found the gates to heaven, went through them and entered into a large church that looked suspiciously like St. Peters. There was dark marble pillars on either side, pews in front, whiteish/pink marble floors, that weird thing at the center of St. Peters was in the background, and there was a speaking podium thing in front on the left. This look was probably no coincidence, since St. Peter was at the podium thingy, teaching a group of people about heaven, Jesus, life, etc... So I sat down with them and suddenly a heavenly glow came over me, and I was saved! w00t! Then, right after Satan, Bulk and the other dude burst in, and St. Peter just got this look of shock, as if to say "wtf are you here for?" Interestingly at this point Satan looked less like Skull and more like the Zoolander guy, lol! Satan's like, I'm looking for Jesus so I can be saved. St. Peter was like, well this is highly unusual, but whatever, just sit down and listen. So Satan and the guys did, and they were saved too.


I told you my dreams were excessively long and detailed. ;)

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